About Us

Sergiu Popa
Sergiu Popa (accordion) studied at the Chișinău Conservatory of Music in Moldova before moving to Montreal. Widely one of the world’s greatest virtuosis of Romani and Eastern European folk accordionists, he also teaches at Concordia University.
Omar Abou Afach
Omar Abou Afach (viola) is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Music in Damascus and Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatory of Music in France and was a member of the Syrian National Orchestra from 1993-2015

Noemy Braun
Noemy Braun (cello) is a graduate of the Hautes Ecoles de Musique de Lausanne (HEMU) and Geneva (HEM) in Switzerland as well as at the McGill Schulich School of Music in Montreal. She also records for the Analekta label.
Naeem Shanwar
Naeem Shanwar (qanun) has a master degree in musicology from Usek University in Lebanon, worked as a professor of music at the University Al Baath in Homs, Syria (2012-2013) where he taught qanun before moving to Montreal, Canada. He is also the author of Teaching Qanun to Children.